Balance-Unbalance International Conference is pleased to announce an extension to our international call for the 2013 conference!
You are invited to submit papers, posters, transdisciplinary activities/panels, installations/performances and virtual presentations by the new deadline of DECEMBER 8, 2012. Please make your submissions via Easychair. If you should experience any issues with lodging your submission please contact the conference coordinator via thsi website.
Balance-Unbalance 2013 is hosted by the UNESCO recognised Noosa Biosphere, a dynamic learning laboratory for sustainability in one of the most pristine and diverse environments in Australia. The three-day conference will take place May 31 to June 2, 2013 at Central Queensland University, with satellite events at Lake Cootharaba as part of the 2013 Floating Land Festival.
Balance-Unbalance is a major International Conference designed to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between nature, science, technology and society as we move into an era of both unprecedented ecological threats and transdisciplinary possibilities.
The 2013 conference theme: “Future Nature, Future Culture[s]” aims to challenge our expectations of Earth, provoke our understanding of nature and inspire our actions for a sustainable future.
You are invited to submit papers, posters, transdisciplinary activities/panels, installations/performances and virtual presentations by the new deadline of DECEMBER 8, 2012. Please make your submissions via Easychair. If you should experience any issues with lodging your submission please contact the conference coordinator via thsi website.
Balance-Unbalance 2013 is hosted by the UNESCO recognised Noosa Biosphere, a dynamic learning laboratory for sustainability in one of the most pristine and diverse environments in Australia. The three-day conference will take place May 31 to June 2, 2013 at Central Queensland University, with satellite events at Lake Cootharaba as part of the 2013 Floating Land Festival.
Balance-Unbalance is a major International Conference designed to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between nature, science, technology and society as we move into an era of both unprecedented ecological threats and transdisciplinary possibilities.
The 2013 conference theme: “Future Nature, Future Culture[s]” aims to challenge our expectations of Earth, provoke our understanding of nature and inspire our actions for a sustainable future.