Submissions are now being called for the International 'Balance-Unbalance 2013' conference to be held at Central Queensland University in Noosa, Australia from May 31 - June 2, 2013.
You are invited to submit abstracts for papers, posters, transdisciplinary activities/panels, installations/performances and virtual presentations. Full papers to be included in the conference publication (which will be double-peer reviewed), should also be submitted by this date. CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSES 20 NOVEMBER 2012. Please make your submissions via Easychair.
Balance-Unbalance is a major International Conference designed to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between nature, science, technology and society as we move into an era of both unprecedented ecological threats and transdisciplinary possibilities. The previous events held in Argentina in 2010 and Montreal in 2011 provided a powerful platform for reflection, debate, and ideas leading towards Balance-Unbalance 2013, hosted in the UNESCO designated Noosa Biosphere Reserve on the Sunshine Coast of Australia. The 2013 conference theme, 'Future Nature, Future Culture[s]' is aimed to provoke discourse around what our elusive future might hold and how transdisciplinary thought and action could be used as tools for positive change. Balance-Unbalance 2013 is being held in the beautiful resort town of Noosa, in parallel with the 'Floating Land 2013' Green Art festival and just prior to the ISEA 2013 (International Symposium on Eletronic Art) conference in Sydney, so participants can maximise their time in Australia by attending all three events. For more information see our website on www.balance-unbalance2013.org